The Association Trustees have been reviewing the feedback from the recent Survey and using this to help shape some of our plans going forward …… one thing is that we are proposing that we have an Annual Association Day – a chance for us to celebrate our Association and Service.
We appreciate that Branches already hold meetings, Informal groups already meet up, and that there are gatherings planned across the country, indeed the world, all the time, but, this is proposed to be an annual occasion and one that we hope all Members of the Association of Wrens and Women of the Royal Naval Services will celebrate.
Ideally, we are looking for an individual / group within each ‘region’ / local area to work with the Trustees and to look to organise something in their local area.
The local area event can be absolutely anything – something as simple as a few ladies meeting for a coffee, going for a walk, going for a lunch, or a more formal gathering (e.g. perhaps a Dinner Night) …… whatever works for your area / contacts / network will be perfect! The point is that we celebrate our Association together and help raise awareness of our Association.
We propose that each ‘event’ would be publicised on our Association website, on social media, within the local press, etc., and this should help to raise awareness of the Association and perhaps encourage Membership. If you need help with creating a press release or creating a post for Facebook, please just get in touch and we will do what we can to assist.
We are aiming to start what we hope will be an annual event in June 2022, and we’re planning that our Annual Association Day will be held on / around the second Saturday in June ……. so in 2022, this will be on Saturday 11thJune.
Don’t worry if you can’t hold your event on Saturday 11th June, but if you could try to hold it around that time (a week either side – e.g. from 4th to 19th June) that would be perfect 😊.
Post-event, we are hoping for some publicity too – shout about our successes and esprit de corps! Again, if you need assistance, please do get in touch. Remember, if you are sending in pictures to upload to social media, the web or for The Wren, please ensure you have the permission of those in your pictures and try not to have the ‘backs of heads’, but rather have all facing the camera for a good shot!
If you are interested in being involved, or require more information, please send a note of interest to the Office (E:[email protected]) who will pass your details on to the Trustee’s Sub-Committee, and then we will be in touch.