Update on Edinburgh Weekend October 2020

Unfortunately, the Coronavirus has claimed another casualty in as much as the 2020 committee have now reluctantly decided to postpone the much anticipated weekend in Edinburgh which was due to take place from the 2nd to 5thOctober. As we have done with our other Centenary events we are in the process of re-organising the whole weekend with the same programme, possibly from the 1st to the 4th October 2021.  Many of you have already submitted your applications forms, and please continue to do so.  Those who would have been awarded a place thus far at the Castle and/or the Dinner will shortly be notified, there are still places available but the dinner is filling up quickly as fewer places are available.  Our plans to mark the 100 year milestone will not be in vain, all that we have looked forward to WILL take place, all be it a little later than we had hoped, and will be all the more enjoyable because of our determination, our expectancy and our longing to celebrate who we are, our heritage and our future.  


If any application for the Edinburgh weekend included a cheque as payment, because of the time expiry of cheques (6 months) we will shred any submitted and will request a cheque as and when required.

If you have any further queries, please contact the office in the first instance: [email protected]

 Carol Gibbon, Chairman 2020 Committee