19th August 2021 – Save The Date!

19th August 2021 sees the 80th anniversary of the sinking of the SS Aguila, with the loss of 21 Wrens and 1 QARNN.

We would like to commemorate this date and remember our sisters by looking to gather former Wrens from around the country to hold short services of commemoration.

Some Branches (like York) already hold a commemoration and we would like to add to this by having additional short services right across the country – wherever ladies are available.

We fully appreciate that 19th August might not suit everyone, so if it is on 19/20/21 or 22nd August, it really doesn’t matter – it’s all about remembering our sisters.

AOW is looking to prepare a suggested short order of service to help anyone wanting to participate. Even if it’s just a small gathering to say a few words or lay a poppy, it’s fine!

We would like to try and make this an event for Wrens right across the country to get involved and to help raise awareness of the great things the AOW does.

Take lots of photos and we will try and display some across our social media.

More details to follow – but let’s start talking about it!